Death of Her Majesty the Queen 1926 -2022
The Jamaican Diaspora UK (JDUK) with the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and world, mourn the loss of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth 11 at this time. We extend our condolences and our sympathies to King Charles 111 and the Royal family.

JDUK, acknowledges the leadership of Her Majesty throughout her reign, and the commitment, work and steadfastness in her duties to the Commonwealth.

The Grace Kennedy Jamaican Birthright Programme
The Grace Kennedy Jamaican Birthright Programme reconnecting 2nd and 3rd generation Jamaicans living in the USA, UK and Canada to their proud Jamaican heritage.
Briefing document for Grace Kennedy Birthright Programme can be accessed on
JDUK Call for ‘what’s up in your neck of the woods?’
Whagwaan? We want you to tell us or write your story about what has been happening in your patch,
in your area or just comment on an issue that you want highlighting. Get in touch now.

The Jamaica 60th celebratory events are now in full swing.
Let’s re-ignite our passions globally in unity, peace and love for people, country and diaspora.
There are lots to be thankful for and much work to be done.
We are on a new trajectory and as always, must be prepared to take the mantle
Jamaica60 Showcase Video!
at The Glee Club Birmingham
Cook the Commonwealth Session 1 (5+) Glee Club Birmingham
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